AC/DC - Static Voltage Regulators ; are complete electronical voltage regulators which contain no any moving piece inside. Voltage Correction is realised completely under micro processing control via digital technology in ms. No any abrasive part to get through maintenance. It increases the voltage from 220 VAC monophase up to 380 VAC three phase by detecting the change in voltage at first period of the network.20 ms maximum correction is realised. AC/DC Static Regulators ; which are specially selected during manufacturing,are semi-conductors which are resistant to sudden heating and high currents . Through ( thyristör - IGBT ) it responds so fast the loads which require high elevation currents. Static voltage regulators have the ability to open and close each phase independantly., Excessive voltage, over load, hot temperature ve short circuit protection exists...
- 5000 Volt / Second,
- RISC Microprocessor Control,
- Excellent Dynamic,Static Regulation,
- Large Input Voltage Working Range, 130-270 VAC,
- Electronic Protection against overload and short circuit,
- 220 VAC / 380 VAC ; ±% 2,5 Regulation,
- Load level, Output ve Input Display,
- Excessive voltage protection up-down limits.
AC/DC - Static Voltage Regulators